We All Like Ticks. We Tick Every Box

-Real-Time API Status
Native for Mac and PC
24 Hour Market Menus
Full Market Depth
Grid Mode:
Show / Hide Menu
One Click Betting Option
Refresh rates of 20 milliseconds
Matched volume intervals (10,20,30,40,50,60 seconds)
Staking or Liability mode
Programmable Tick Offset tool with hedge, zero hedge configurable functionality, Stop Loss, Fill or Kill & Stop Entry Tools
HotKeys for Lay, Back, Hedge & Net Hedge
Hotkey for Betfair Live Video
Hotkey to “Get Me Out” hedges out of all positions
Hotkey for Cancel Bets and Cancel All Bets
Hedge current position shown on each selection
Race Meter visual representation of prices in Grid
Ladder View:
One click betting (Lay or Back)
Move bets with one click
Cancel bets with one click
Time to schedule start event time counter
Lollipop to decide which selections are shown and not shown
Market In play indicator to determine whether the market will go in play or not
Sound alert for when market is suspended /unsuspended Sound alert for when market goes in play
Sound alert and visual to show when market is closed Saddle cloth display for horse racing
Jockey display for horse racing
Trainer display for horse racing
Recent form for horse racing
Barrier or Stall number display for horse racing
Non runner / Scratched horse display
Refresh rates of 20 milliseconds
Money matched in time intervals (10,20,30,40,50,60 seconds)
Five staking sets with five different stakes plus one user editable stake box
Staking or Liability mode
HotKey to see Matched Bets
HotKey to see Unmatched Bets
HotKey to see price graph
HotKey to show win gauges
Matchsticks to show latest prices traded
Colour coding to show where money was last matched in the last 10,30 and 60 seconds (Red less, green more, yellow the same)
Line indicator to show lowest price matched and highest price matched
Last price match and volume shown in brackets
Hedge current position shown on each selection
Get me out current position shown on how market
Programmable Tick Offset tool with hedge, zero hedge configurable functionality
Configurable Stop Loss tool
Configurable Fill or Kill tool
Configurable Stop Entry Tool
Lay Button
Back Button
Hedge Button
Video Button display live Betfair video if available in browse
Get Me Out Button hedges out of all positions with one key or click
Cancel Bets Button
In play race gauges to show percentage probability of horse winning dependent on Betfair last traded price. Can be set to price or % win probability by clicking numbers
BetJet Pro comes with tools that can be set to activate instantly upon the price reaching a certain point, a previous bet being matched or partially matched or a combination of things.
The Tools provide the following features:
Tick offset tool – offset a back or lay bet at a pre determined interval. You can choose to offset with the offset bet set to hedge, zero or net. Hedge will spread profit equally, zero will leave zero on your selection and profit on other runners, and net will leave all profit on the traded selection.
Stop loss tool – Places exit bet to close a trade at a pre determined interval. You can choose to stop out of the trade with the stop loss bet set to hedge, zero or net. Hedge will spread loss equally, zero will leave zero on your selection and loss on other runners, and net will leave all loss on the traded selection.
Opti-hedge – Allows you to take the optimum hedge position in a two outcome market like tennis or cricket. If you have bet on selection A, it allows you to place an exit on selection B if that offers a better position.
Dutching Tool – Allows the backing or laying of multiple runners at equal profit no matter what the prices of the selections. All calculations done instantly and bets placed with one click.
Fill or Kill tool – Cancels bet, or remaining portion of bet if not matched after the designated time (in settings) has leaped.
Stop Entry tool – Enters a bet when the price pre determined in settings is met.
Hedge bets – Places a bet to spread profit or loss on a selection equally across all other selections in the event.
Zero Hedge bets – Leaves zero profit or loss on the selection and spreads any profit or loss across all other selections
One click move bets – Allows you to move a bet on the ladder from one price to another with a right click. If a bet is at 4.00 you simply move your cursor down to say 3.00 and right click in the same column you see the bet in and it will move. If more than one bet is in that column, it will move the bet nearest to the cursor.